Squidoo is a great way to make money without much work. I know people who make thousands every month just by writing for Squidoo. I also know people who do it just to advertise a business, website, or blog. It is great advertising that can help you make a little extra money while you're at it. I also know people who use it just because they love to write. They have a mentor program to help you get started, and anybody at their forum would be glad to help you with any questions.
How do you make money? There are 2 ways to make money using Squidoo. The biggest money maker is with sales like Amazon that give you a commission for every sale you make. The other way is with the pretty complicated payout tiers. Nobody really knows all about the ranking system, but if your lens (their word for each page you make) is in the top 2,000 you get around $20.00 for that month, if it is in the top 10,000 you get around $2.50, and around $0.15 if it is in the top 85,000. Like I said it is very complicated, but every month it is worth more and more. They always pay right on time every month. You can make as many lenses you like about anything you want. I have some lenses that are really high ranked to make money that way, and others I use sales to make money like this one.
Squidoo is becoming more and more popular every day. There are well over a half a million people who use Squidoo, and more are joining all the time. Even some of the biggest names in internet marketing use it. It is free to sign up, and it is a great way to make some easy money, if you know anything about writing and the internet you can make a LOT of money with Squidoo